Canada Spouse Visa

The Canadian citizen and Permanent Residents of Canada can sponsor their spouse or partner as Canada Permanent residents through the Canada Spouse Visa sponsorship program of Canada. The partner of the spouse can reside in Canada to live, work and settle.

Types of spouse visa:

 Types of spouse visa                                          Outland Sponsorship                                        Inland Sponsorship

Outland spouse visa:Inland spouse visa:
This visa allows the partner of the Canadian citizen or
Permanent resident of Canada to apply for spouse visa
while residing out of the country.
Inland spouse visa allows the partner of the Canadian
citizen or Permanent resident of Canada to apply for
spouse visa while residing in the country with some
temporary visa like study visa, work visa, etc.

Benefits of spouse visa:

You can stay permanently with your partner in Canada

 You can work and study

 IELTS is not required

 You can work full time

Eligibility of spouse visa in Canada:

  1.  Must be married to an Canadian citizen or Canadian Permanent Resident.
  2.  Both of them should be above 18.
  3.  Have been in a relationship with you for at least 12 months.
  4.  Must have a clean police record

How to get spouse visa form India?

Documents:Apply for the Canadian partner visa applicationWait for the response of the Department
Documents which enhances your immigration or visa process
must be prepared.
You have to lodge an online partner visa application. Once you
have lodged the partner visa application, you must pay the fees
and keep the receipt.
The department decides the approval/rejection of your
application which might take few months. After the approval,
you receive your visa.


You can discover the most reasonable prices to apply for spouse visa and immigration consultant at “Sunland Immigration”. It offers you the best immigration service as it holds a great rate of success in past

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